Covid Safe Retreating

A more personal message over a blog post really but I thought this was a good place to share and save an update on covid safe retreating.

Where are we at now?

Covid rates are increasing, maybe as the weather turns we all spend more time inside / closer together? Whilst reassuringly symptoms are much milder than they were (especially for the fit and healthy amongst us, and that’s most of you booking a retreat) if you were to catch Covid prior to coming of course it would ruin you joining us.

Before you join us on a retreat

In the week or two leading up to a retreat I would be more careful than normal - keep your mask on in busy places, try and avoid public transport at peak times of day, maybe swerve after work drinks or being in a full gym class if you can.

Think about the timing of your booster if you are eligible. I wouldn’t want you to feel under the weather from it and then have your retreat clouded by that.

Make sure you have travel insurance - over the last few years we have had a few covid cancellations and unfortunately as a small business I am not able to issue full refunds. However I am more than happy to provide proof of booking and payment that you can use to claim against your own travel insurance.

What can you expect when you retreat with us?

The venues we use have gone above and beyond to make their properties safe, not only for you but for their staff too. Most notably extra time has been allocated to cleaning prior to our arrival and as you may have noticed I have had to push back our arrival time at our Penrith properties to allow for this. I will be taking extra time to sanitise / clean the mats before you arrive and will have cleaning equipment with me so that I can keep on top of this over the course of the Retreat.

I do want you to know before you book that we take 14-18 guests on most of our weekend Retreats and we cant always adhere to social distancing - it just wouldn’t work for the way we run retreats. I hope that doesn’t come across as ignorant, but a big part of our Retreats is you - the community. I really value having everyone sat close chatting over dinner / drinks, I like that you all pour into the kitchen and ask our chefs questions. So whilst both Blencowe and Melmerby (our winter 2022/2023 properties) are lovely and spacious I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable particularly in the dining areas.

Will things go back to normal?

I dont know if they will because I think on a whole it has made us worry more about even just catching a cough or a cold. BUT I do know it has made is all much more aware of how important our health is, and what we can do to improve that. As someone that teaches classes and hosts retreats I am not worried I am just grateful I get to do what I do, so if you have any questions about joining a retreat or maybe even about our classes and improving your own health just reach out to me.

Jess x


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