Attending a Retreat with an Injury

In the same way I would hope you know you can always join my classes with an injury you can certainly always join a retreat. Of course some injuries may completely inhibit your practice but for the most part they will just limit what you can do.

Always let me know if you are working with an acute or chronic injury

It might be that I can give you some advice before arriving that will help alleviate some of the pain and make moving easier, or I may be able to recommend a practitioner near you.

Either prior to you arriving or once you land I can help you to understand your injury and explain how you can work around it. Sometimes this can be the biggest step in recovering from an injury - often we put up with something that we haven’t had properly explained and if you don’t have a degree in anatomy the body is a minefield!


I will help you work around your injury so that you can still get something out of our classes. Even if that’s just 70% of the practice… well it beats 0% because you stayed at home doesnt it?

Please also remember that movement is just one part of a retreat - be it mine or another teachers. You can still treat yourself to a massage or a facial, enjoy a big bubble bath, read a book, socialise with other guests and of course enjoy the delicious food.


A retreat may be a long way to go for a treatment but I always travel with my massage table so we can work on your injury whilst we are away together.

Your body works as a unit - this is one of the osteopathic principles. If part of that unit is a bit broken or not quite 100% then we need the rest of the body to up its game. We can look at how you can strengthen around site of injury and or release tension in ares that are compensating for the site of injury.


I hope that reassures you about joining one of our retreats or even someone else’s retreat. Life happens, injuries happen but we have to keep moving.

Jess x


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Covid Safe Retreating