My Dream Retreat Venue

It is a tough call to whittle it down to just one, so I might cheat and share a few although I have one in particular on my mind.

As most of you know I have worked for some pretty spectacular world-leading health and wellness resorts so I have a good idea of what makes something extra special.

I have worked for AMAN and I can confirm that the crystal clear waters of Turks and Caicos take some beating.

I have worked for Six Senses and can confirm the Douro Valley is certainly one of the most beautiful hidden gems in Europe.

I have worked for Soneva and seen what I think is probably the most tranquil and spectacular resort in the Maldives.

BUT it was a job in November 2021 where I identified what really makes something THE DREAM RETREAT LOCATION… that job was on Sir Richard Bransons Private Island, Necker.

But why is Necker so special and what is it I am looking for now from future venues?

COMMUNITY / COMMUNCAL SPACE & ACTIVITY - Retreats are special and that is because they bring together a group of likeminded people. Whilst I always try to ensure guests have their own beautiful rooms and private En Suite bathrooms in my opinion there has to be somewhere guests can socialise together, dine together and share experiences and stories. Necker does this wonderfully… breakfast takes place on a huge long roof top table with endless views of the ocean, lunches and dinner take place at one of several special locations dotted around the island and adventures take guests off island where they share (often) challenging experiences.

NATURE - Most of us live in a built up world and can probably all agree on how magic it is to stand on the top of a mountain, within the depth of a forest or one the edge of a lake / the ocean. You can not escape nature on Necker, the island its self is a tropical haven surrounded by blue waters and other mountainous islands. Not only are you sharing the space with other guests but also gorgeous giant tortoises, flocks of bright pink flamingos, minute horses and many many many monkeys! The lack of air pollution over Necker amplifies the stars at night and the sun rises / sun sets that frame the days there.

CLASS SETTING - When I did my first Yoga Teacher Training we learnt in a studio that sat on the roof top of a house in Morocco. I remember instead of saying front, back, left and right the teachers used words that related to the landscape (town, ocean, mountains, trees) and since I have always appreciated teaching where I can replicate this. I feel like it takes you out of a typical class setting and places you somewhere more magic, it takes you away from the distraction of your own world and it anchors you deeper into the moment / that space. On Necker we had this; the Great House sat behind us, the ocean lay ahead of us, Mosquito Island was to our right and the heart of Necker on our left. It was also typical for a small tortoise to wonder across your mat during class and there were frequently rainbows overhead.

A Necker Retreat is something you may already know that I am working on. It is a project bigger than I initially anticipated and the original date I had held for November 2023 will likely have to be pushed back. But its coming and I know those of you who are able to join us will be overwhelmed by just how special the island is.

As I said at the start of this post I may have to share a few other dream retreat locations, since I began planning Necker I have started to think about how many other amazing venues are out there. I am looking at a small island in Norway with beautiful glass houses for each guest and several locations hidden away in the heart of Scotland too. Please don’t hold back if you know anywhere I need to look at then do let me know :)

*I must add though that the more retreat locations I look at the more grateful I am we found our two Penrith locations because it is really hard to find properties with as much space, as many beautiful en suite rooms or as great a yoga studio. So know that they aren’t going anywhere!

Thank you for reading this and letting me dream my retreat dreams this afternoon…

Jess x


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