Summer In The Lakes

7th - 11th June 2024


Thank you for being here and exploring HIFE Retreats.

Blencowe Hall (pictured above) is one of our most visited venues and there are several reasons we keep going back. It has character, warmth, a light and beautifully designed brand new purpose built studio… plus access to some great hikes!


Whilst we have been to Blencowe for many a Retreat, this is going to be our first summer stay here which is very exciting. Think Yoga on the lawn and evening BBQs!

You will want to pack your hiking boots, we have walks planned up some of the most beautiful hills in the Lake District! Many of you are repeat guests are will notice this Retreat is 4 nights instead of the usual 3, I want to maximise our time in the sunshine and on top of some magnificent mountains.

HIFE Retreats is built upon four pillars, understanding these will give you a feel for what we are about and wether you would like to join us;

Move “exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood”

Movement is hugely important, and something we don’t always get enough of. Retreats are the perfect opportunity to dive into more classes, go for a long walk or maybe even lace up your trainers and go for a run. 

Classes over the course of the retreat will be a mix of Yoga and Pilates - I find these two practices together extremely complimentary and beneficial in reducing stress, improving mobility and building strength. You don’t have to be an pro to book a retreat, in fact if you are relatively new to both practices it is a great place to start - the weekend gives you chance to dip your toes in the water, and as we aren’t short for time together I can help you in areas where you are struggling.

We share two classes a day; the morning class is often more energising and uplifting whilst the evening class more gentle and relaxing.

Eat “the food you eat can either be the safest most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison”

I hope that you not only enjoy the food we share over the course of the weekend but that it inspires you to return home to your own kitchen. 

At HIFE we aim to share new foods with you each time you book a retreat; dishes that are hearty and healthy, plant based and flavoursome. Where possibly all of our ingredients will be locally sourced, fresh and organic.

All dietary requirements can be catered for. 

Connect “the purpose and the result of a meaningful life”

Some guests come on our Retreats on their own and some guets come with friends or family.

Connect to yourself.

All guests leaves us with a better connection to their body - their health and their wellbeing. Retreats provide you with time and space to cultivate this.

Connect with others.

Sharing stories on a long hike or around the dinner table will forever be one of my favourite parts of hosting Retreats. Connection and community are a huge part of HIFE and I hope that comes across whenever you join us.

Rest “sleep for health is like changing for a mobile”

This is your retreat, whilst at HIFE we like to provide you with plenty to do if your body simply needs time to rest then please listen to it. 

All of the rooms have beautiful comfy beds, given the time of year and our country side location little light gets anywhere near your bedroom - providing you with a deep and nourishing weekend of sleep. 

Whilst away with us you will have the option of booking a treatment (deep tissue massage, aromatherapy massage, facial etc). These are an additional cost and a brochure shall be provided nearer the time. 


7th - 11th June

Pricing 4 Nights all I

£750 Shared

£975 Private

To request our brochure, make a booking or ask any questions please complete the form below.